Working in progress: Nunca sol@s
Alone with my shoes (III)
Solo coreográfico
-Música: Vito Casano (Italia-Deutschland)
-Interpretación: Yanel Barbeito
-Concepto, coreografía: Yanel Barbeito, Omar Gómez
A Coruña, España
-Versión revisada de una de las primeras coreografías de Yanel Barbeito, del año 1998. Tiempo humano que quiso invisibilizar su futuro artístico. Para mayor referencia e imaginación, si lo desea, remitirse al documental de igual nombre, que gira alrededor de su acción y reacción para aquellos momentos.
-Agradecimiento eterno a Vito Casano, por curarme un poco con su música, nobleza y amistad.
Documentary A solas con mis zapatos
(Alone with my shoes).
-Film director: Gloria Bauzo
Translation for the subtitle in English of the documentary Alone with my shoes (A solas con mis zapatos). Translation: Hector Palacios:
Alone with my shoes
"An immense will power is needed
to build up a body oneself,
and to conquer with it a place
to breathe in plentifully."
A. Artaud
(Yanel Barbeito): “I was born in 1972. My mom couldn’t give birth and she didn’t undergo a caesarian operation. Due to this fact, I underwent a brain palsy in her womb. So, as a consequence of it, I inherited this pathology. My father managed to take me to Berlin. It was there, that I started a dance therapy treatment. From that moment on I knew there was something lacking in and out of me.
My name is Yanel Barbeito Delgado. I am a theater critic… Nevertheless, a theater critic who has a dancer soul.
El pez de la torre (The fish of the tower) was an impelling source in my life, in relation to dance as a profession.
I was hopeless, because I didn’t find any institution interested in promoting this kind of art.
In 1995, my boyfriend, Omar, took me to El pez de la torre performance.
I was fascinated with it. In that very moment during the applause Omar told me, “Never ever forget that face. Pay attention to that face very carefully”.”
Marianela Boán [Director and choreographer of Danza Abierta (Open Danse) dance company]: “Well, it was like that. Also I think that it has been very important for me and my company to meet her, because to me, she is a person who has an extraordinary will. People relate dance with a powerful efficient body; with… you know, the idea of maximum efficiency. Right? The dancer as a god, etc, etc. But to see somebody dance from the most incredible hindrance… oh well, it was shocking.
I think that in Cuba, those called the immense minority should back up the difference. That is vital. That is basic. I think many artist, including myself, have positively reacted, in giving Yanel a hand, in backing up what might not be within the standard canons of institutions, etc, etc.”
Nelda Castillo [Professor at the Higher Institute of Arts(I.S.A.). Director of the theater group El Ciervo Encantado (The Enchanted Stag)]: “I saw her once in the halls of the institute and asked: “What about this girl?, Is she studing here?” Someone said, “Yes”. Then I asked again: “What is she studing?” Someone replied: “Dance”.
Of course¡, she is unofficially having dance lessons. Right? By her own will. I was one of the persons in charge of having her make a decision to study Playwriting and Theater Critics. Anyway, I told her dancers have a limited period of time as performers. I think we would lose a very intelligent, captable playwriter and theater critic. Besides, presently we have a big lack of them. And she would be really excellent in the field.”
Yanel Barbeito: “I think it was the best solution they could have found for me. Also I simply fulfil my work with dance. Although, I always say, it is dance what I deeply feel.
I think I will never quit studying dance. I think I managed to go on with the career myself. And little by little I make it part of me. Well! , it all depends on me, to pave that way, no matter how if study the dance career or not. That’s not the most important thing.
The force must be in me. In making oneself understood. In being outstanding, for the people to see you. Because if one doesn’t outshine, mankind can’t appreciate what one does; and mankind is the audience.”